South Asian Updates (SAU) welcomes your contribution. If you are interested in writing for us, please carefully read the following guidelines. We welcome article pitches and review them on a regular basis.
Editorial Guidelines and Policies:
. Articles may be submitted to [email protected], [email protected], that said, we are unable to pay for submissions.
. There are no length requirements, but obviously we ask that your write in a "tight manner."
. Please submit your contribution as a Word document (rather than a PDF). No other formats will be accepted.
. Avoid technical language or industry jargon. SAU believes in making big ideas accessible to all.
. The author retains copyright of the article.
. Please include your full name and title with a short biography (50 words maximum).
. In-line links are acceptable, as are footnotes.
. If the article has been published elsewhere we ask for the site, so as to give full credit.