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South Asian Update


Myanmar crisis to dominate ASEAN foreign ministers retreat

 Published: 14:59, 10 July 2023

Myanmar crisis to dominate ASEAN foreign ministers retreat

The Myanmar crisis and the implementation of the 5-point consensus (5PC) will dominate the scheduled ASEAN retreat on July 12th, according to a highly placed source.

The source said that Indonesia has scheduled the retreat after the plenary session, so that all foreign ministers will be able to exchange views on the crisis. Traditionally, the retreat comes ahead of the plenary session.
Indonesia wants to press for additional sanctions against the military regime in Naypyidaw, for failing to implement the 5PC, especially the points related to ending violence, humanitarian assistance and jump-starting political dialogue.
The source pointed out that the ASEAN chair has been in contact with all stakeholders, including representatives of the National Unity Government, People’s Defence Forces and Ethnic Armed Organisations.
ASEAN has been under pressure from its dialogue partners, especially the United States, which wants to see the cessation of all violence against the Myanmar people. US has also imposed sanctions on the junta's leaders and on two major banks, Myanmar Bank and the Myanmar Bank of Investment and Commerce. The purpose is to cripple the military regime’s ability to wage war against the resistance.
The source said that the ASEAN ministers will continue to reaffirm the 5PC and urge Naypyidaw to implement them. The ban on the attendance of Naypyidaw's top leaders at ASEAN-related meetings is expected to continue.


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