Sunday, 23 February 2025

South Asian Update
South Asian Update


China now world s largest navy

 Update: 07:18, 6 September 2020

China now world s largest navy
China is now the largest navy in the world. Its main target is to keep an eye on the bases of Pakistan_ Sri Lanka and Myanmar. This is the latest assessment of China s expanding military might_ ranging from long-range missiles and nuclear submarines to integrated air defence_ space and electronic warfare capabilities_ by the Pentagon in its detailed report presented to the US Congress. The Pentagon report said China is actively looking at setting up military logistics facilities in Myanmar_ Thailand_ Singapore_ Indonesia_ Pakistan_ Sri Lanka_ UAE_ Kenya_ Seychelles_ Tanzania_ Angola and Tajikistan. With an overall force of around 350 warships and submarines_ including over 130  major surface combatants _ China has overtaken even the US Navy s force-level of 293 warships_ said the report. The US Navy_ of course_ is much more technologically advanced_ with as many as 11  super 1_00_000-tonne aircraft carriers (each can carry 80-90 fighters) as compared as to the two of China. But China is building two more aircraft carriers_ with the eventual aim of having 10_ as per Indian officials. India also needs to worry about the fast-emerging collusive China-Pakistan threat in the IOR_ with Beijing set to supply eight Yuan-class diesel-electric submarines_ four Type-054A multi-role stealth frigates and other naval platforms and weapons. For now_ India has a huge advantage in the IOR due to the tyranny of logistics faced by China_ and can if required exploit its  Malacca Dilemma . But Indian Navy has a force-level of only one aircraft carrier_ 10 destroyers_ 14 frigates_ 11 corvettes as well as 15 diesel-electric and two nuclear-powered submarines in terms of major combatants at present. While the commissioning of the long-delayed second aircraft carrier (INS Vikrant) will only take place in September 2021_ the government is yet to even approve the initial case to build a third carrier. India needs to take serious note of the Pentagon report in the backdrop of the expanding Chinese naval footprint in the Indian Ocean Region_ which has been further consolidated after Beijing established its first overseas base at Djibouti on the Horn of Africa in August 2017_ while also enjoying unfettered access to the Karachi and Gwadar ports in Pakistan. -Source: The Times of India

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