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South Asian Update
South Asian Update


Intersessional Meeting of the U.S.-India 2+2 Ministerial Dialogue

 Published: 05:41, 12 September 2020

Intersessional Meeting of the U.S.-India 2+2 Ministerial Dialogue
India and the US on Friday held a bilateral 2+2 inter-sessional meeting at the official level during which the two sides exchanged views about regional developments and agreed to pursue their quest for a free_ open and inclusive Indo-Pacific. the Indian delegation was led jointly by Vani Rao_ Joint Secretary (Americas) in the Ministry of External Affairs_ and Somnath Ghosh_ Joint Secretary (International Cooperation) in the Ministry of Defence. The US delegation was led jointly by Dean Thompson_ Senior Bureau Official_ Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs in the US Department of State_ and David Helvey_ Acting Assistant Secretary for Indo-Pacific Security Affairs in the US Department of Defense. Both sides reviewed the progress and developments in bilateral ties in defence_ security_ and foreign policy areas since the last 2+2 ministerial meeting held on December 18_ 2019 in Washington DC_ the Ministry of External Affairs said in a statement. They explored opportunities for enhancing ongoing cooperation in these fields based on mutual interest. "They also exchanged views about regional developments_ and agreed to pursue their quest for a free_ open_ inclusive_ peaceful and prosperous Indo-Pacific_" the statement said. -Source: NDTV

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