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South Asian Update
South Asian Update

South Asia

Bangladesh condemns Israeli attacks on humanitarian convoy to Gaza

 Published: 15:54, 15 May 2024

Bangladesh condemns Israeli attacks on humanitarian convoy to Gaza

Bangladesh has strongly denounced the recent assaults carried out by Israeli extremist settlers in Palestine against a Jordanian humanitarian convoy en route to Gaza via the Beit Hanoun Crossing. The convoy was intended to deliver vital civilian aid to the people of Gaza. 

In a statement issued today, the Bangladesh foreign ministry emphasized that it is the responsibility of the Israeli Occupation authorities to halt the violence perpetrated by these settlers and ensure the protection of humanitarian convoys. The ministry reiterated the urgent need for all parties involved to adhere to International Humanitarian Law (IHL), which mandates the facilitation of rapid and unobstructed passage for all humanitarian assistance.
Expressing solidarity with the Jordanian government's efforts to provide essential aid to those in need, Bangladesh urged the Israeli Occupation Authorities to permit unrestricted access for humanitarian aid to Gaza, in accordance with the principles outlined in International Humanitarian Law.
This condemnation reflects Bangladesh's commitment to upholding humanitarian principles and advocating for the rights of those affected by conflict and humanitarian crises.


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