Friday, 18 October 2024

South Asian Update
South Asian Update

South Asia

‘US-Russia statements on Bangladesh politics undesirable'

 Update: 15:12, 27 November 2023

‘US-Russia statements on Bangladesh politics undesirable'

The recent exchange of statements regarding Bangladesh's political situation between the United States and Russia has been labeled as 'undesirable' by Bangladesh's Foreign Secretary Masud Bin Momen. He clarified that Dhaka has no intention of engaging in discussions on this matter.

During a press interaction at the foreign ministry following his return from the diplomatic meeting in the Indian capital, Masud Bin Momen emphasized that Bangladesh doesn't concern itself with outside opinions on its internal affairs, similar to the stance taken by Western nations. He stated, "We are open to discussing internal events in Bangladesh. However, discussions among unrelated countries hold little relevance for us; this is an unexpected matter. We prefer not to engage in these discussions."
The situation escalated when on November 22nd, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova stated in an embassy briefing that Peter Haas had met with a senior representative of the local opposition in late October, discussing plans for organizing widespread anti-government protests.
In response, the US Embassy in Dhaka released a statement attributed to a US State Department spokesperson, countering Zakharova's assertion. The statement emphasized that the United States does not endorse any particular political party in Bangladesh and is not biased towards any party. It reiterated the US's support for the Bangladeshi people's desire for free and fair elections conducted peacefully.


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