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South Asian Update

South Asia

Global Hunger Index 2023: Bangladesh's success in South Asia

 Published: 20:51, 14 October 2023

Global Hunger Index 2023: Bangladesh's success in South Asia

In the ongoing battle against hunger, Bangladesh has achieved significant progress by securing the 81st spot among 125 nations in the 2023 Global Hunger Index. 

The nation's score of 19 points in this year's index, a slight improvement from the previous year's 19.1 points, indicates a commendable stride forward in their fight against hunger.
Relative to other South Asian countries, Bangladesh stands in a more favorable position, surpassing Afghanistan (49.6), Myanmar (40.2), India (38.4), Nepal (37.2), Pakistan (36.7), and Sri Lanka (21.7). 
The Global Hunger Index employs a scale where zero represents the best possible score, while 100 points signal the worst. Higher scores indicate a more severe prevalence of hunger, whereas lower scores reflect progress in reducing hunger levels.
With scores above 50 considered extremely alarming, 35-49.9 alarming, 20-34.9 serious, 10-19.9 moderate, and below 9.99 indicating low hunger or a positive situation, Bangladesh's score of 19 points is indeed a significant achievement. This data underscores the country's substantial progress in addressing hunger-related challenges.
The report attributes Bangladesh's success in the Hunger Index to a reduction in the birth rate of malnourished and stunted children. Remarkably, Bangladesh is among the select group of seven countries that have managed to lower their index score by 5 points or more since 2015.
The top ten countries exhibiting the least hunger in this year's index are Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Chile, China, Croatia, Estonia, Georgia, Hungary, Kuwait, and Latvia. On the other end of the spectrum, the bottom nine countries grappling with alarming levels of hunger include South Sudan, Burundi, Somalia, Central African Republic, Madagascar, Yemen, DR Congo, Lesotho, and Niger.
Bangladesh's progress in the Global Hunger Index is a testament to the nation's dedication to improving the living conditions of its citizens, particularly the vulnerable segments of the population. As they continue to make strides in addressing hunger and malnutrition, Bangladesh serves as an inspiring example for others in the fight against this critical global issue.


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