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South Asian Update
South Asian Update

South Asia

OIC secy gen concerned about insufficient funding for Rohingya case

 Published: 14:43, 31 May 2023

OIC secy gen concerned about insufficient funding for Rohingya case

Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Secretary General Hissein Brahim Taha has expressed concern about the insufficient funding for the Rohingya case.

Appreciating the support of the OIC Member States for the Rohingya case, he assured that OIC will continue to encourage its Member States to contribute to the funds for the Rohingya case filled by The Gambia in the International Court of Justice (ICJ). 
Mentioning Rohingya issue as an important agenda of OIC, the OIC Secretary General Hissein Brahim Taha highlighted OIC's firm support to The Gambia-led initiative of taking legal recourse for ensuring justice for the forcibly displaced Rohingya people from Myanmar at the ICJ. 
OIC chief said the OIC is also working at the international level for ensuring sustainable repatriation of Rohingyas sheltered in Bangladesh, to Myanmar, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Recognising the government and people of Bangladesh's immense generosity shown to the large number of forcibly displaced Rohingya from Myanmar, the OIC Secretary General underscored that burden-sharing is crucial to solve this long-standing crisis, and appealed to the international community to take more responsibility to ensure favourable conditions for the safe, dignified and sustainable return of all Rohingyas to their homeland, Myanmar. 
OIC chief Hissein Brahim Taha and his entourage visited Rohingya camps in Kutupalong, Cox's Bazar.


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