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South Asian Update
South Asian Update


Separating fact from fiction

 Published: 12:50, 25 June 2024

Separating fact from fiction

Over the past few months, the fighting between the Arakan army and the Myanmar army has greatly altered the overall situation. The Border Guard Police (BGP) of Myanmar was forced to move to areas near the Bangladesh border as the Arakan army captured significant parts of the Rakhine state. With the civil war and fighting having now spilled over to Bangladesh territory, official statements were to be expected from the capital, Dhaka.

Events of misfiring into Bangladeshi territory define the escalation. The Bangladeshi government responded carefully. On the contrary, the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) and its followers, are using these incidents to criticize the country’s foreign policy by claiming that the government’s diplomacy towards the Myanmar government is weak.

These groups are also disseminating inaccurate and misleading information about Saint Martin’s island (SMI). Numerous banners, displaying the message that SMI is being handed over to Myanmar, have been extensively shared on social media to cause bewilderment among the citizens.

The bloodshed in Rakhine state is not an isolated issue. But the circumstances have resulted in a delicate diplomatic impasse for Bangladesh. On one hand, it has to guarantee the protection and security of its people, especially those visiting SMI and residing in border regions. It must, however, manage the complex web of regional geopolitics, balancing claims of sovereignty with avoidance of open war with Myanmar.

The Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) of the Bangladesh army responded to the dissemination of false information by publishing a statement meant to clear things up. ISPR claims that the military of Myanmar is working against the Arakan army in Rakhine state. These activities have resulted in unwanted strikes on Bangladeshi boats in the Naf river and other estuaries. Emphasizing the significance of preserving peace and security along the border, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bangladesh has voiced great concern over recent events on June 12, 2024.

The activities of the Myanmar navy, which has been pounding Arakan army posts along the Naf river and the seas around SMI, aggravate the complexity of the circumstances. The Arakan army has responded concurrently by attacking boats and ships of the Myanmar navy. This strong fight near Bangladeshi territory has raised tensions and stoked worries of a spillover.

The deployment of Myanmar navy ships close to the Bangladeshi border has required more alertness from the Coast Guard and the Bangladesh navy. Now constantly patrolling the maritime borders, these personnel ensure the security of Bangladeshi waterways and track the activities of Myanmar's navy. Notwithstanding these initiatives, false information regarding SMI’s security has exploded on social media, aggravating public concern.

Diplomatic comments along with ISPR’s statement define the government's careful stance, which shows awareness of this complexity. However, the criticism from the BNP and its supporters highlights a local political scene where foreign policy concerns are often used for political advantage. Though they are not new, accusations of a poor foreign policy will not be able to achieve any political benefit in the framework of an active border crisis.

The Bangladesh government has to answer these complaints, not with words, but with definite, forceful measures that guarantee the people of its dedication to national security. Though more has to be done, improved patrols by the navy and Coast Guard are a positive approach. To involve regional countries and international organizations to urge Myanmar to end hostilities and respect international borders, diplomatic efforts should be strengthened.

Bangladeshi Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan Kamal has given a strong warning to the Arakan army as well as the Myanmar army, declaring unambiguously that any fire into Bangladeshi territory would not be accepted and will be dealt with reprisals. This statement emphasizes Bangladesh's will to protect its sovereignty and guarantee the citizens' safety. The warning of the home minister seeks to discourage such provocations and underline Bangladesh's readiness to act decisively to guard her borders against the spread of the continuing crisis in Rakhine state. This robust posture is meant to keep the area peaceful and stable and let all sides in Myanmar know that their actions have major repercussions.

Moreover, a coordinated communication effort is necessary to combat the false information and rumours spreading on social media. Open government communication that emphasizes the steps being taken to guarantee security will assist in allaying public anxiety and stopping panic. The ongoing conflict in Rakhine state soberly reminds us of the fragile nature of peace and security in Myanmar. For Bangladesh, it underlines the importance of maintaining a strong defense posture under the cover of a robust and forceful foreign policy.

Usually, the opposition party will voice their opinions opposing any government decision. They reserve the right to criticize their failing administration for not yielding results. However, the opposition political party should not aim to maximize any political gain by disseminating false information.

The circumstances in Rakhine state calls for careful diplomacy, alert security policies, and official government communication free from errors. Bangladesh must be relentless in its dedication to peace and security both inside and outside of its borders. Although the challenges are great, they may be successfully negotiated with a balanced approach thereby assuring Bangladesh's security and respect for its sovereignty. At the same time, the citizens of the country need to comprehend the difference between fact and fiction. They should not believe in any fictitious information without checking its authenticity. -Source: dhaka tribune


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